Anyway went to the doctors in China… never going there again #blister #ouch

OK the story of my ankle continued....Went to the doctors to find out why my bite was so painful and my blister is so big. Long and short of it didn't really get an answer.Step one go into the consultation room. The doctor sort of looked at it as though I was lying about being …

Continue reading Anyway went to the doctors in China… never going there again #blister #ouch

Get in my car and we go play… I’m not a bad man, #erm

Lots of Chinese people want a photo with me that's normal, Waves bye bye afterwards fine. But these people decided to follow me in their car. They did not speak English and I don't speak mandarin or Cantonese. They wouldn't leave me alone until they got my real phone number... Anyway jokes on them I …

Continue reading Get in my car and we go play… I’m not a bad man, #erm